A semi-daily chronicle of my life as a musician, a family man, and a citizen of Oregon.

Feb 6, 2008


My friend at work told me about this new site that I'm totally digging - goodreads.com.  Of course I did the obnoxious thing and sent invitations to all of my friends so if you were someone I bothered and you didn't appreciate it, know it's coming from a great place.

It's got a lot of cool stuff.  Of course, you start out by adding all of the different books you've read.  Going into it I was expecting the site to be more like a last.fm or netflix where it would take the input of your favorite books and recommend books based on the scoring system, but it doesn't really work that way.  The site is much more about who you have added as friends and it's much more about that kind of community.

They have a lot of features, like the ability to explore the most popular or most read books on the site, follow the reading habits of authors who have signed up for the site and even start or join book groups.  The interesting thing about the site is that the feel of it really does reflect kind of a bookstore, literary vibe.

goodreads.com joins last.fm as my two favorite web 2.0 sites right now.